Differences between revisions 20 and 59 (spanning 39 versions)
Revision 20 as of 2017-06-02 18:28:39
Size: 961
Editor: MattJohnson
Revision 59 as of 2021-01-12 22:29:34
Size: 314
Editor: HannahRoss
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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#squadgoals for the week ending Feb 24:

=== Rafay ===
 * Get some kind of trial structure for VSTM-3D
 * Get some kind of time commitment out of undergrads for behavior


=== Jake ===
 * Get basic transfer learning code set up
 * Toolbox-ify deep learning code and start running poster analyses

= #squadgoals =
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 * Get SONA stuff set up so behavioral data collection for spring can finally start
 * Get good EEG data to Jake for poster analyses
 * Stuff
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=== Maya ===
 * Change wiki password
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<<BR>><<BR>> === Evan ===
 * Complexity in analysis
 * Data collection for RefRem
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=== Individual people's to-do list pages === <<BR>>
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 * RafaysToDoList
 * ArisToDoList
=== Zach ===
 * Other stuff?
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---- === Cheng ===
 * Other stuff?
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== DONE == <<BR>>
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=== Cheng, Jake, Jo, Rafay (and Matt) ===
 * Reserve hotels for CNS
 * Get flight details for CNS to Matt so he can book through Travel and Transport (or reserve for yourself and get reimbursed later if you REALLY want to)
 * All done!
=== Chad ===
 * Life
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=== Rafay ===

 * Get Ethernet connection working again
=== Hannah ===
 * Wiki Updates



  • Stuff


  • Complexity in analysis
  • Data collection for RefRem


  • Other stuff?


  • Other stuff?


  • Life


  • Wiki Updates

rapwiki: SquadGoals (last edited 2021-01-12 22:29:34 by HannahRoss)