Differences between revisions 24 and 30 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 24 as of 2017-06-13 23:53:00
Size: 1170
Editor: MayaSamal
Comment: added RunningBehavioralParticipants to major edit list
Revision 30 as of 2017-06-22 19:08:31
Size: 1766
Editor: AriDye
Comment: Added StandardEEGProtocols, StandardMRIProtocols, RecruitingMRIParticipants to Need to Make section
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 5: Line 5:
 * StandardEEGProtocols
 * StandardMRIProtocols
 * RecruitingMRIParticipants (only has placeholder text)
Line 13: Line 16:
 * [[InfoForNewUndergradRAs]] -- is a mess, and page says it probably should be broken into two pages
 * RunningBehavioralParticipants -- General Principles and Following/Filling in Log Form sections are empty
 * [[InfoForNewUndergradRAs]] -- is a mess, and page says it probably should be broken into two pages -Ari
 * RunningBehavioralParticipants -- General Principles and Following/Filling in Log Form sections are empty -Ari
 * StimulusLaptopSetup -- has basically nothing
Line 18: Line 22:
 * SquadGoals -- probably should start putting dates on each goal as it's made, so it's easier to see what's old and what's up to date -Ari
 * RunningMechanicalTurkExperiments -- in the "Double-check the 'active' version of the task" it says someone should "track down the old Yale checklist and add the various items on it to this page."
Line 35: Line 41:
 * BeforeYouStartWorkingInTheLab --Ari reviewed 6/13, looks fairly thorough (except for possibly training on equipment setup)  * BeforeYouStartWorkingInTheLab --Ari reviewed 6/13; looks fairly thorough (except for possibly training on equipment setup)
 * RequestingCashForParticipantPayments -- Ari reviewed 6/14; looks very very thorough

Pages we need to make:

Pages we need to edit:



  • MediaPeopleNeedToWatch -- Ari created on 6/13; Matt should probably review

  • SquadGoals -- probably should start putting dates on each goal as it's made, so it's easier to see what's old and what's up to date -Ari

  • RunningMechanicalTurkExperiments -- in the "Double-check the 'active' version of the task" it says someone should "track down the old Yale checklist and add the various items on it to this page."

Pages we should review to *see* if they need to be edited:

  • Probably pretty much everything

Pages we are currently working on editing:

Pages we have recently edited to perfection (for now):

Pages we reviewed and they look OK for now:

rapwiki: WikiPagesWeNeedToMakeOrEdit (last edited 2020-12-04 19:44:42 by MattJohnson)